Why You Shouldn't Ignore Shortness of Breath

Most of us have found ourselves short of breath from time to time, typically following a period of strenuous physical activity. In those instances, a little rest period is all it takes to recover.
However, some people have shortness of breath (or dyspnea) that occurs regularly or follows light physical activity. In these instances, dyspnea can be a sign of a more serious medical issue that requires prompt treatment.
At First Response Urgent Care, our team is skilled in identifying the causes of dyspnea, providing each patient with care and guidance based on their unique needs. In this post, learn about some of the common causes of dyspnea and why it’s important not to ignore this important symptom.
Why dyspnea happens
Lots of issues can cause shortness of breath, including some surprisingly common problems.
Respiratory issues
Not surprisingly, respiratory conditions are a common cause of shortness of breath. These conditions affect the way your lungs work or cause problems with your upper airway system (or both).
Asthma causes chronic airway inflammation that can lead to shortness of breath, while infections like pneumonia and bronchitis can make it harder for your lungs to process oxygen.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is another respiratory-related cause of shortness of breath, often developing after years of smoking or exposure to pollutants. Even congestion from a bad case of the flu can lead to problems with breathing.
Each of these conditions can cause serious complications without prompt medical treatment. On the flip side, early treatment can help manage chronic conditions like asthma and COPD more effectively while eradicating infections like pneumonia and bronchitis.
Cardiovascular causes
For most of us, the link between lung problems and shortness of breath is no surprise. What many people fail to realize is that shortness of breath can also be related to problems with your cardiovascular system.
Your heart plays an important role in delivering oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body. If your heart or blood vessels aren’t working the way they should, you can wind up with shortness of breath and related symptoms, like fatigue.
Coronary artery disease, valve disease, arrhythmias, and heart failure can all have dyspnea as a symptom. Shortness of breath that begins quickly may be a sign of a heart attack.
Lung cancer
Lung cancer can cause many symptoms, including dyspnea. If you have lung cancer, you might have shortness of breath during or after physical exertion or even while resting. Many people think lung cancer only happens to smokers, but it can affect non-smokers and never-smokers, too.
Sometimes, dyspnea happens when tumors grow and block the airways or put pressure on the lungs, preventing them from filling. Inflammation associated with cancer can make it hard to breathe, too.
Nerve or muscle problems
Respiration is a complex process that involves muscles around your lungs and airways and the nerves that control them. If you have a nerve or muscle disease, it can affect the way your lungs and airways work.
Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy, and Guillain-Barré syndrome are all progressive neuromuscular diseases that can cause shortness of breath. Prompt medical evaluation can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Don’t ignore shortness of breath
Occasional shortness of breath following strenuous exercise is typically nothing to worry about. But if you have dyspnea after brief or light exercise, or you experience shortness of breath accompanied by pain, dizziness, or nausea, it’s important to have your symptoms evaluated right away by our team.
Prompt medical evaluation identifies problems early on, when treatment tends to be less complicated and more effective. On-site X-rays, oxygen monitoring, blood work, and other tests help us spot the cause of dyspnea so we can treat it. Prompt medical care helps relieve your symptoms so you feel better faster.
If you’re experiencing shortness of breath, having a medical evaluation is one of the wisest steps you can take to protect your health and prevent serious and potentially life-threatening complications. To find out what’s causing your symptoms, request an appointment online or over the phone or walk into one of our two Brooklyn, New York, locations today.